Sunday, January 16, 2011

Why Everyone Should Have A Bugsy!!

I think everyone should have Bugsy (Elana). Not only is she cute and makes you laugh, she will teach you a lot. For example, she will show you exactly what you need to do in order to baby proof a house. If you forget something, like to get a top for the garbage which locks, she will certainly remind you! Having a Bugsy is also a great way to practice staying away from animal attacks. She does hiss and bite, but with repeated exposure you will learn that the hiss comes before the bite...Really, how else to better learn to deal with rattle snakes and the like? Finally, having a Bugsy will keep you in shape. No home gym can compete with having a Bugsy. You will spend all day running, leaping, jumping and diving. It's a constant game of keep away...Keep Bugsy away from the toilet (she will stick her hand in!), keep Bugsy away from the garbage (she will eat it) and keep Bugsy away from the markers (she's very creative).

Yes, I think everyone should have a Bugsy. If you are not lucky enough to have your own, you are more than welcome to borrow mine in order to get some practice in ;)