Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I have to say that today I am the most stressed out I have been in a long time. I think there are a mixture of variables to blame here...the weather, my teething daughter, my snoring husband, and the MASSIVE work load I have been taking home with me every night. Of course things cannot go simply...Emma wakes up 2-3 times a night b/c her mouth hurts...My computer freezes and then deletes my entire report...the house fills up with smoke b/c Kevin burned something on the bottom of the oven. LOL. Seriously, there are times I just stop and look around and's either that or cry. I think I'm going nuts!!! Oh, and the best part is that I caught my 10 month old trying to chew on the dogs bone this morning...No wonder I'm losing my marbles. :D


Jill said...

Seriously, there could be worse things for her to chew on. Like the toilet seat or something.

Jill said...

My daughter eats napkins if that makes you feel any better.