Thursday, February 5, 2009

Marriage Thoughts

Sometimes it takes all of my energy to stay married. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Kevin. I think he is a wonderful man, husband and father...I really do. He makes me smile like nobody else can, and I still get butterflies when I see him walking up to me. But I tell you what, that man EXHAUSTS ME! "Where is this?" "I want that?" "Why can't I..." AHHH! He is like a large kid who, like any child, cannot fully take care of himself. Except this isn't true. He's a grown man who CAN take care of himself (at least in theory) That's what drives me batty!!

I wonder if every married person goes through this...when they gaze over the dinner table at their wonderful spouse (who happens to be stuffing his face) and think "What the HELL have I got myself into?" LOL.

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE means you deal with the stinky socks all over, the dishes ALWAYS left in the sink, the toilet seat NEVER down...FOR RICHER OR FOR POORER means that he takes all the change out of the jar, spends extra money on coffee and candy bars when you are short on gas...and AS LONG AS YOU BOTH SHALL LIVE means, well, until one of us goes so crazy we just kick the bucket.

As I read over this post there is really no rhyme or reason to it. It's just the ramblings of a wife who is (happily) married to a (wonderful) man that is driving her (totally and utterly) crazy. No matter what I know this is right, this is how it should be. Happily ever after.


Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

And on the days when you are absolutely at your wits end, he brings home flowers. Or says just the right thing at the right time. Or comments that you look pretty today. *Sigh*

And then, he asks, "Hey, have you seen my 'fill in the blank'" ARGGHHH......

It's all part of it!

Jill said...

Funny I was going to write a very very similar post last night. Must be that time of the man-month. And in our long as you both shall live may just end with one of us killing the other ;-).

WorkingMommy said...

Yes, they always seem to save themselves, don't they? Ugh! I tell Kevin all the time "You've got to stop this or I'm gonna kill ya'" So far I've stopped myself though ;)