The newest fad in our house? Listening to our "beeps." I have a portable Doppler machine to listen to the baby's heartbeat, something I did with my first two. Well, Ellie has come to the conclusion that she also has a baby in her tummy, and nothing I can say will convince her otherwise. Nothing. So every morning and every night she wants to listen to her "beeps."(aka. her heart) Cracks me up.
She is getting very excited about the new baby, and keeps asking me how it is going to come out of Mommy. She understands what is going to happen, she just doesn't know how. And that's fine by me. I don't understand how some mothers can have their children in the delivery room with them. To each their own I suppose....but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I have been in labor for a while the last person I want to see in the delivery room is Ellie. Not because I don't love her...but because I do not want her to think of her Mommy as a screaming, swearing monster of a woman with wild hair and what must look like fangs. Not a pretty picture for a 3 year old. Not a pretty picture at all, for that matter. So...instead of showing Ellie first hand how her new sibling is going to come into the world, I will be making a trip to the local children's book store and getting some material from the professionals. :D
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