Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Doll Drama Part 2

Here is the continuing saga of the baby doll...After posting the other day I got some good advice from a very good friend and mommy...And I tried it...Wasn't sure if it was going to work or not, but I thought, "Hey, I'm up for it." Whether it worked or not I never really got to find out...Yesterday afternoon I got a package from my grandma yesterday. In it was this tiny baby doll. I'm talking like 4 inches big. Naked. Cheap plastic. I am sure grandma got it at the thrift store where she works, which is just fine by me. Anyways, Emma instantly fell in love with this little thing of a toy. So did Ellie. No joke folks. At first I thought it was going to be an answer to my prayers and that Emma would be satisfied with the new doll. Which she was, don't get me wrong. But now Ellie wants to play with this doll that probably cost all of $1 and doesn't want a thing to do with her big doll. Funny, huh? So now Emma runs around the house with this doll and Ellie chases her, trying to bribe her with the big baby doll. We have had conversations regarding sharing, which have an impact for exactly 2.5 seconds before this all starts again. The funniest part? The doll has a mat of white, curly hair. When Emma carries it around it looks just like a mini me :D


Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

LOL. You and the girls make me smile. I know for you it must be exasperating, but from the outside looking in, all I can do is smile. What great, great stories you're going to be able to share with them when they're 25! Hang in there, mom.

Jill said...

Haha figures. Well, I guess they'll learn eventually. At least Emma has something that can be hers too :). And I seriously don't know how to do it. If our baby #2 is a girl (NOT pregnant, fyi) I think I might slip away for a few weeks to cry. You find out soon?

WorkingMommy said...

I find out in June! :D I have my feelings, but we'll have to see for sure :D

Jill said...

Look at you and your cute butterfly blog! :)