Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Single Married Female

My fears have become a reality. Kevin is back to working on the road again in a traveling construction job. We found out he got the job last night at about 6 or 7, and he left this morning at 3am. Great. I will be the first to admit that I did not react well. The last time Kev worked on the road it was the worst year or so of my life. Our marriage all but collapsed, I wouldn't hear from him for days, etc...and that was when I just had Ellie. Now I have Ellie, Emma and the baby-to-be. I know that we really need the money as he has been laid off for about 3 months now...but I guess I wasn't quite prepared. I hate being a "single married female." I hate waking up every morning and going to bed every night alone. It sucks.

It's my hope that this job will really be what he said and he will be home every week or every other week. Once thing is for certain; If it goes back to being months at a time that he is gone I won't deal with it...And I think, this time, he won't either.

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