Friday, June 5, 2009

Tough Week

This has been a terribly tough week for me with Kevin being gone. Granted, it was only for a few days this time...I think what bothers me most about his going back on the road is the memories it brings back from the last time. That and he didn't have time to tell Ellie goodbye so I had to do it for him. That stunk. But mainly it's just the flood of returning emotion from the year he was gone. We were not a happy couple then, and our marriage almost didn't survive the ordeal. I get terrified that will happen again this time, and with two children and one on the way I am unsure of how I would handle that. I would like to think I am a strong woman who could pull her own and do it all if needed, but I don't want it to be needed. Not at all. Ugh. Still, I am trying to focus on the positives from this week...Here are a few:

1) Kev comes home for the weekend so we can celebrate our 4 year anniversary
2) Ellie rode her bike down the block and back all by herself
3) Emma learned the word "nana" (banana)
4) Mom is coming for a visit next week
5) I get to sleep with the window open when he's not here
6) I have a lot less laundry to do when he's gone
7) The baby is a movin'!

Those are all things that made me smile a bit throughout the week, so those are the things I hold on to. Sometimes that's all you can do!

1 comment:

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

Hang in there, keep thinking of the positives (remember there are many) and also remember this isn't forever, just for now. Thinking of you.