Thursday, July 16, 2009


Defiance is the word of the week in my house. Ellie has been nothing but defiant. It's been building and building until it all hit the fan Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.

Ellie woke up at about 1:30 asking for milk. Now, she did not need more milk...especially considering that I told her before bed that she wouldn't be getting any more the rest of the night. I told her "no..." and tucked her back into bed. I spent the next 45 minutes or so listening to her play in her room, waking Emma up in the process. Finally I just yelled from the next room "Ellie, go to bed!!" Suddenly I heard a sound of water being spilled. Convinced that she had taken her cup of water and tossed it I ran into her bedroom...I had heard something all right, but it wasn't water. Right in front of the bedroom door was a puddle where Ellie had stood, lifted her nightgown, and peed. Yes, peed. I was mad, but I was about to become furious. I asked Ellie why she had done which she responded, "Because you no give me milk and I mad." Are you KIDDING me??? I mean, come ON! So I spent the next I don't know how long cleaning the carpet and trying to get both her and Emma back to bed. I didn't lay back down until about 3:45....and I finally fell asleep...until about 5:30 when Ellie was up and ready to go.

Oh My Word. I cannot even begin to discribe the range of emotions I felt that night...I hope and pray that Ellie is done with this phase before Emma enters hers...or lord help us all.


Jen said...

*jaw drops*

Jill said...

Ditto to Jen...that's exactly what I was going to write.


That would've definitely earned a spank in our house. I don't want that stage to come.

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

I am sending strength - hope you can feel it - hang in there, mom. And yes, I concur with Jen & Jill.


WorkingMommy said...

Thank you :D I'm trying...LOL