Defiance is the word of the week in my house. Ellie has been nothing but defiant. It's been building and building until it all hit the fan Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.
Ellie woke up at about 1:30 asking for milk. Now, she did not need more milk...especially considering that I told her before bed that she wouldn't be getting any more the rest of the night. I told her "no..." and tucked her back into bed. I spent the next 45 minutes or so listening to her play in her room, waking Emma up in the process. Finally I just yelled from the next room "Ellie, go to bed!!" Suddenly I heard a sound of water being spilled. Convinced that she had taken her cup of water and tossed it I ran into her bedroom...I had heard something all right, but it wasn't water. Right in front of the bedroom door was a puddle where Ellie had stood, lifted her nightgown, and peed. Yes, peed. I was mad, but I was about to become furious. I asked Ellie why she had done which she responded, "Because you no give me milk and I mad." Are you KIDDING me??? I mean, come ON! So I spent the next I don't know how long cleaning the carpet and trying to get both her and Emma back to bed. I didn't lay back down until about 3:45....and I finally fell asleep...until about 5:30 when Ellie was up and ready to go.
Oh My Word. I cannot even begin to discribe the range of emotions I felt that night...I hope and pray that Ellie is done with this phase before Emma enters hers...or lord help us all.
*jaw drops*
Ditto to Jen...that's exactly what I was going to write.
That would've definitely earned a spank in our house. I don't want that stage to come.
I am sending strength - hope you can feel it - hang in there, mom. And yes, I concur with Jen & Jill.
Thank you :D I'm trying...LOL
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