Thursday, July 9, 2009

Green Light Only

This month has been totally and utterly crazy for me, which explains the lack of posting on here. Kevin has taken the traveling construction job which means I am now all on my own with Ellie and Emma. Between work, making dinner, giving baths, cleaning the house, etc. I have little time to do much else. Plus, like somebody else I know, we are moving the last weekend in July...thus between everything else I am busy packing. At work I am going crazy trying to make those above me see the light regarding some new policies...It's tough when people want to bend rules and you know that they shouldn't...

Granted, all of this probably doesn't seem like such a big deal. Perhaps it's because my almost 6 month self is greatly hormonal that I get overly and somewhat psychotically stressed out...I'm really not sure. All I know is that I feel like a crazy woman, or that girl from the Exorcist movie...My life is one big green light right now. I don't even get a glimpse of red. Heck, I would settle for yellow

Still, when it is all over and things slow down I know it will all be worth it. On the plus side Kevin has been home more often, though there is never a guarantee of when this will happen...And in our new place we will have a pool which will greatly help mommy in entertaining the girls. As any mommy knows, any help is better than nothing!! :D


Jill said...

Where are you moving to? Another house? An apt? Bigger? Smaller? Details? :-) I must call you to chat.

WorkingMommy said...

LOL. I am moving to the apartments where my dad lives. 1400.00 a month for this house is just too much, even with what Kev is making now...Plus his whole foreclosure issue kind of scared us a bit. So we are moving...940 includes all utilities except electric...It will be smaller, but it's still 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Plus I won't have to drive 15 minutes to work's like 3 blocks away :D

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

Hang in there, mom - yes, you deserve to be a little crazy, and dare I say cranky, at times - you've earned it! Moving, 6 mos. along, daddy's work taking him away for a week at a time, two little girls, plus the usual joys of a job --- yes, you have my permission to be cranky!!