Sunday, February 28, 2010

Escape Artist

Any of you who are familiar with my family, specifically Ellie, will know that she likes to escape. When she was about 2 she ran out of the house in winter clad only in a diaper and boots, carrying her Easter basket. The neighbor girls found her, brought her home to Kevin ( I was at work). Then, not long ago, she and Emma escaped the apartment and went up to dad's. This was on a day Kev got up with the girls and had promptly fallen asleep on the couch. Not cool. Like the other two, this latest escapade occurred while I was at work, or in this case just came in from work.

This past Friday when I got home things were really crazy at my house. I had just finished a very loooong day of team meetings and was feeling quite frazzled. Anyways, when I came in the door it was obvious that everything was about to explode. Kevin was fuming at the girls (another post entirely), the girls were pissed at Kevin, and Elana was screaming her head off because that's what she does. For some reason Kevin was sending Ellie and Emma to their rooms. Well, as I was getting Elana to change her diaper Ellie decided to go and hide so she wouldn't have to go to her room. After repeatedly calling her name and searching the apartment I told Kevin I though she had gone out of the apartment again. I ran out into the hall and walked towards Dad's, figuring that is where she was going. She was nowhere to be found. I ran up and down the calls calling her name, but with no luck. I ran outside, afraid she had gone out the front door and had been unable to get back in due to our security system. No sign of her. I ran, I looked, I called, I cried. Nothing. At this point even Dad was helping me look. Not seeing her anywhere I ran back inside and met dad halfway. "Kev found her", he said. Sigh! I ran into the apartment, tears still streaming down my face. There she was, like nothing happened.

So where was our little Houdini?? She had crawled under the bathroom sink (don't ask me how) and had hid there. We had a nice looong talk about why it's not nice to hide from mommy and daddy...then she was promptly sent to her room, which is what she was trying to get out of in the first place.

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