I know that my last few posts have been somewhat, well...Depressing. That is so not like me, and it's certainly not a representation of the me I want to be. So here is a happy post about something that made my heart melt yesterday.
The ritual in our house at night after the older girls are in bed has become that I usually do some crafty stuff, play with Elana and watch TV...Kevin usually is on the computer. Well, last night at 7:00 I sat down to tune into that evenings showing of The Bachelor. I couldn't believe it when Kev came and sat down next to me!!!! The look on my face must have said it all because he simply said, "I'll watch this with you if you want." WHAT?!?! If there are any men out there who like this show, my husband is certainly not one of them. In the end I didn't make him watch it...but it certainly wasn't because he didn't offer. If a man offers to watch a girly reality show with you, well....It must be love!
Andy watches LOST with me, but he sits and guesses what's going to happen next, and it's horribly annoying because he's usually RIGHT! But it is still nice to have a cuddle during a favorite show...
yup, that's love alright!! Grin!
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