I cannot believe that today is the fifth time I have celebrated Mother's Day. Can that really be right?? My first official MD (not as a stepmom but with my own children) was in May 2006, when Ellie was about 6 months old. (I loved the ones where we had just Kayla and Samantha as well but I'm not sure if I can count those...But if we are my first one was in 2004) Oh my. Since that first MD I have had two more beautiful little girls come into my life. I have changed countless diapers, wiped away buckets full of tears and kissed away a hundred owies. You know what? I have loved every minute of it!! Yes, I have had moments where I have thought to myself, "Really Laura? Do you even remember what it's like to not have kids?" The answer to that is no, not really. I really don't remember much before I became "mommy" to the three most beautiful, wild, confident little girls I have ever known. And that's ok. Honestly, I don't want to remember...because thinking of my life without them brings too much ache into my heart.
To all those reading this who are called "Mommy"...Never forget what an important job you have. Never stop trying, even on those days when you want to run around screaming in the hopes that someone will hear. And never, EVER forget that I am here if you need to vent, cry or yell. We're all in this together!
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