The school year is coming to an end and Ellie will be graduating from preschool soon...I can't believe my little girl is already graduating, but that's an entirely different post. Anyways, as celebration First Step Preschool decided to take a field trip to Island Park and the Minnesota Children's Museum(MCM) in St. Paul on May 11th. Being the involved mom that I try to be I decided to chaperon. My parents were always really involved with my activities when I was little and I would like to be the same way.
The plan was to arrive at 9:10, ride the bus to the park to have lunch and then go to the MCM. Sounds great, right? Sure! Except that on May 11th the weather was a cold 40 degrees with non-stop rain. Great. Fun. What the heck did I get myself into?? So I loaded the bus with a ton of preschoolers and a handfull of parents and off we went. All of the adults figured the school would have a back up plan for the park. Makes sense, right? WRONG. Nope. No back up plan. Not a one. We ate our lunchables as fast as we could before our fingers went numb. Ellie was a trooper, she hardly complained at all.
The museum was a lot more fun. Ellie and I walked around with a girl named Maddie and her dad. In fact, Ellie spent the whole day with Maddie. Rode with her on the bus, ate with her at the park and went to all the exhibits with her. It was so nice to watch that I didn't even mind I got ditched. LOL. Seriously, I was happy to see Ellie's social skills developing so well. All in all, despite the cold...and the rain...I was very happy I went.
She's adorable, mom, and I'm glad you ended up having a fun day. Here's to many more years of happy chaperoning. (It really IS fun!)
lol thanks :D She is quite adorable, and really becoming her own little self. I don't mind chaperoning...but I DO mind the rain, LOL
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