Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stupid People

Sometimes I get so annoyed by stupid people. It's not even that I really think the person themselves are stupid, but lord help me with some of the back-assword things people do. A perfect expample today. Kevin has been getting his checks direct deposited for about 1 year now. Today I logged onto our bank account and saw that there was no deposit!! Thinking that the website just needed to be updated I called the main branch...But to my shock there really was NO deposit!! I called Kevin, who promptly called his work. Come to find out they decided to go back to paper checks. Hmmm...ok. Now in my mind that is HUGE piece of information and plays greatly into the whole plan of what bills I am going to pay, how I am going to pay them, etc. On top of it I had a car payment scheduled to come out today. So I just spent 40 minutes arguing with a person who speaks NO english trying to get her to change the payment and push it back so that we don't get overdrafted in our account. You would think this would be easy, right? SO WRONG! I don't know all of what this lady was trying to say to me, but believe you me it was not very nice. I know that HSBC sucks as an auto finance company (probably why they don't do it anymore) but come on people!!! Are you kidding??? Right after this I attempted to pay my water bill online, only to get an ERROR on the website. I call the woman who does the billing and she has no idea what the error means. No clue. Not even a small one. So I spent like another 15-20 minutes trying to clear that mess up. All the time I am wondering why I am the one arguing with some idiot when it was KEVIN'S work that screwed up and HE should be the one dealing with this. Not me. Especially since he is at home and I am running around between meetings. UGH! Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

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