This is going to be a venting post. Hold on tight, because I am going about 90 miles an hour right now. I just got off of the phone with Charter cable service. Since moving to our new apartment Kev and I decided to get cable for the first time in almost 2 years (Yeah for Lifetime and HGTV!) However, since the start of our service (August 5th) I have yet to receive a bill. So today I called the friendly people at Charter to find out what my bill amount is and when it is coming out. I also wanted to see if they had it being deducted from the correct bank account.
First I was routed to the wrong department...About 5 minutes into the talk I figured out I was in Internet support help and not billing information...Oh, say, 10 minutes later I was finally talking to a lovely man named Raja in billing. The news was not good. Apparently our bill is over 100.00 (it was supposed to be about 50.00) and is coming out TODAY. Yes, TODAY. Great....I asked to get an itemized list of charges, but he stated he could not do that without a security code...Um, ok...As for the bank account information they could not tell me that without a security code either. GRRRRR. So I asked in a friendly manner how I get this prized and so sought after security code. I was then informed that I have to either wait for my bill (which I have yet to get though they claim they sent it out...I highly doubt this) or drive about 40 minutes away to the local office. ARE YOU FRICKIN' KIDDING ME?! Our conversation went something like this:
ME: How do I get a security code?
CSR: You drive to Buffalo MN and get it
ME: Are you serious? I have to drive all that way for a security code? I didn't know that.
CSR: Or you could wait for your bill
ME: You never sent me my bill. That's why I am calling you.
CSR: It says on the computer we did.
ME: Well I didn't get it.
CSR: We sent it.
ME: But I didn't get it. So how can I give you a code off of the bill if I never got it...
CSR: Must be a problem with the postal service.
ME: Yup, that must be it....
So basically I learned no more about my bill then when I first called, except for the fact that it's due TODAY. Oh, and get the end of the call they wanted me to take a survey about their service....If they knew what I was thinking I don't believe they would have asked me to do this, but who am I to turn down a request like that?! LOL
1 comment:
I hope you took the survey, and I hope you said it straight. Yes, I can believe it, and no, I can't believe it - what do people think????????
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