Friday, August 28, 2009

I'm big b/c I'm PREGNANT!!!

Ok, another venting post. Seems to be a lot of those lately, but oh well. I am so tired of people WHOM I AM NOT CLOSE TO making comments about how "big" I am and how I am not going to make it the full 9 months of my pregnancy. This annoys me to no end. If a friend or family member and I are joking around about this then no biggie, I could care less. But if I work with you or know you as just an acquaintance, keep your mouth SHUT! Here are some examples:

This is a conversation with a Rehabilitation Counselor that I had the other day"

ME: (sitting in a chair against a wall) Hey!
THEM: What are you doing over there
ME: Hiding...
THEM: You are 7 months pregnant, you can't hide. Haven't you seen those national geographic shows where the elephant tries to hide to feed it's young? It's like that, you just can't hide...
ME: (silence)
RECEPTIONIST: I can't believe you just said that!!
THEM: What?
ME: Oh my god.

Ok, so not the best thing to say to a pregnant lady....Another example is the other day I was walking in a job site and a lady I work with in passing said to me "You are starting to waddle." Ok, no big deal right? Except for the fact that she is WELL over 300 lbs. Nice. Thanks.

I am not in denial that I am big right now. I know I am. I have gotten large with each child...HOWEVER, this time is NOTHING like it was when I was pregnant with Ellie. With Ellie I gained an insane amount of weight, partly b/c I was having thyroid issues that my Dr. wouldn't treat. This time I have not even gained 15 lbs yet and have actually lost weight in my legs, butt, etc. I am ALL baby...and yes, this makes me waddle. So what? The other difference this time is that I have kept my self-confidence up...I have tried to enjoy my last pregnancy, the way I look included. Comments like from people who are next to strangers or co-workers DO NOT HELP!!!!

Only a few months to go...I will keep my mouth shut and deal with the comments...but I warn you, I may bite off my tongue trying!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Wow...that elephant comment...just wow. Some people have no ability to censor themselves.