Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ellie loves art. She always has. Drawing, doesn't matter. She loves it. In the past she even did it with her poop!! (Hey, in a modern art gallery that would make a ton of money!) Anyways, I went into her room the other day and was lucky enough to discover another wonderfully pretty (large) picture on her wall. This one is purple, red, and pink...And it has progressed a great deal since the last time she snuck crayons into her room. Before all she would draw were little colored in circles and lines and stuff. THIS time she drew actual people. Sure, the eyes are huge and the arms/legs come right off of the body. But I can TELL it's a person!! A HUGE person! On her bedroom wall! Woohoo!! There is a fine line between being proud of your child's development and going crazy trying to keep up with it. My toe is on that line! :D


Jill said...

God bless you for rejoicing in your child's development and not killing her for drawing on the wall. You have my admiration. I'm not sure I have that in me :).

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

Creativity abounds -- a little goo gone & some cover all paint will take care of that when you want to cover it up -- for now rejoice in her creativity. And don't forget to take pics of that to show her when she's 18!! ;-)