Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All Moved In

We are now officially all moved into our new apartment. I have to say that I like it. Don't get me wrong...I really, really, REALLY miss my neighborhood and all of the friends there. However I do NOT miss the extra 15 minutes it took me to get to work, or the fact that there was slim to none in restaurant choices where we were before. Our new place has a heated pool and is only about 3 blocks away from Ellie's new preschool. There's also a good sized park about 1 1/2 blocks away...I suppose, as with any large event/change, there are pros and cons...

The move itself went surprisingly well. I had the house almost 100% packed by the time Kevin got home the end of last week...Granted, he was little to no help and I was utterly exhausted, but at least it was done. I got a moving truck for a day and it only cost me about $80. A couple of strong family friends came by and assisted Kevin in carrying furniture so he didn't have to do it all himself this time (yippee!!) Dad was wonderful and watched the girls for me while I unpacked as Kevin was unloading...I thought that they would have more trouble with the transition than they did and was quite pleased when they slept all night in their new room. So, I guess in general things went fairly least more so than I had ever imagined. Still, I am SOOO glad that it's over...I am back to work and every muscle in my body is no longer screaming in pain and exhaustion. I hate moving. I refuse to move again for at least 2 years. Done done done.


Jill said...

I say that every time we move. When we finally buy a house, it better be some place that I'm going to fricking RETIRE.

Cindy Swan-Eagan said...

Yippee!! Glad the move is over - you'll have lots of new friends at this neighborhood in no time at all!