Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's been a while....

Wow, it has really been a while since I posted on here. Well, here are some updates, though most everyone who reads this blog already knows all my news ;)

We are expecting baby #4 on July 4Th of 2011. I am thrilled, though initially I was just shocked. It seems most peoples comment to the news was to ask whether or not we thought we'd have a boy this if it mattered what I thought any of the other times, lol.

I started my graduate program. I am going for mental health counseling and loving it. I got a 100% on my first assignment and feel as though the cobwebs are coming off of my brain again.

Ellie turned 5 on November 4Th and Elana turned 1 on November 6Th. Amazing how the time flies!! My babies are growing up!! :( It's so bittersweet. Everyday I am thankful for my family and how happy those girls make me. Not that it's not crazy here around bedtime, or at 2am when I find them up playing with each other. Ellie is my diva, Emma is the devil in a blue dress and Elana, well, she's just "the bugs."

And of course my dad just turned 60 years young. He's loving every minute of being out here.

My mom came for a visit. It was nice. She and my dad went with us to the Halloween parade...weird, but OK. I guess they had a long talk and seem fine with each other now so that's good. No more trying to keep the peace on my part.

It snowed for the first time today. About 5 inches total. WOOOOWEEE. The girls were excited. Time to get all the gear out.

Other than that things have been the same here. Hectic, a bit crazy, but satisfying. Looking forward to the holiday's :)